Pet Emergency Care
For Pets in Distress or Injured in Crystal River, Florida
When your pet is injured or struggling, especially when their life may actually depend on it, quickly finding an emergency hospital for pets can be stressful. Whether it’s a pet in extreme pain, and one that has difficulty breathing, the professional staff at CCVS Meadowbrook is ready to help 365 days a year. This location is located right off I-75, near exit 390.
Signs That Your Pet Needs Emergency Care
As a pet emergency hospital that is open 365 days a year, these are just some of the reasons that pet's are brought to us for emergency care:
Your pet is unconscious or having seizures
Your pet is unable to urinate or pass a stool
Your pet is in pain, or is experiencing extreme anxiety
Your pet has extreme diarrhea, vomiting, or heatstroke
Your pet is having difficulty breathing, or is choking/gagging
Your pet is injured, bleeding severely, or has been hit by a car
Your pet may have eaten something like poison, chocolate, anti-freeze, etc
Your pet may have heatstroke, or won't accept water for more than 24 hrs
Your pet is behaving unusually, and you know that something is wrong
We recommend that you call (352) 225-3501 before bringing your pet to us from Crystal River so that we can best prepare for this visit, or to direct you elsewhere, should we be at capacity. We are open 365 a year, and accept walk-ins, referrals from other veterinarians- or whatever makes sense for your pet’s needs.
This locally-owned emergency animal hospital was designed to help make your unexpected (and stressful) pet experience into a better than expected experience for pet owners and pets that live in Crystal River and surrounding areas. In addition to a comfortable and welcoming facility equipped with 3 surgical suites, digital radiology, and ultrasound, we also have high flow oxygen therapy, oxygen chambers, laparoscopy, and thoracoscopy.